Hi Everyone
As indicated last week, it has now been confirmed that only solo/household/junior coaching can go ahead from Monday 12th April. It is still hoped that restricted squash for the rest of the membership will go ahead on Monday 17th May, but is very likely to be ‘Sides’ squash within nominated bubbles.
Junior club is planned to restart on Friday 23rd April.
The club rules (found here) should be carefully read and complied with.
Specifically the following bullet points highlight the main rules that must be followed:
– If you are displaying any symptoms of the virus DO NOT attend the club.
– There will be no competitions, no group coaching sessions, no league games and no club nights.
– Only Courts 1 & 4 will be available at present; Courts 2 & 3 are out of bound. The balcony is also out of bounds, so spectating is not allowed.
– Courts must be booked in advance via the online booking system.
– Arrive ready to play in kit but please bring your court shoes separately and change into them on court
– On arrival each member must write their details on the signing in sheet (please bring your own pen) which is located at the stairs. This is mandatory and confirms your understanding of the rules and that you will abide by them.
– Please use the hand sanitisers on entry to, and exit from the club and courts.
– Bring your own water bottle; the water machine is out of action
– The changing rooms are not to be used, but use of the toilets is allowable. The showers are out of bounds.
– Bring your own towel to wipe any sweat; do not wipe your hands on the walls or floors.
Any queries please get in touch.
The Committee