Penrith Squash Club Championship
Dear Penrith Squash Members
The club Championship will be held in mid April with the semi finals and finals being played on the afternoon and evening of Saturday 20th April 2024. Timings and schedule of the competitions will be announced once we know final number of entrants.
We plan on running a ladies, men’s and plate competitions, along the same lines as the Cumbria county closed squash championship, where all players according to their ability will be graded into groups of 8. The competition is an excellent format to play other players of a similar standard. ie the top 8 players will be placed in the A group, the next 8 in the B group etc etc.
A £5 entry fee will apply. The competition will be followed by a meal at the Beehive at £3.50/head, so please also let me know if you would like to join us?
If you would like to enter, please put your name on the lists on the noticeboard or contact me, John Scott. The closing date for entry will be Saturday 13th April with a preliminary round being played between 15th and 19th April.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with me
John Scott
Mob: 07831 592 778